колесо (не гальмівне)
braking / braking action
all-wheel drive / all wheel drive
wheel lock pistol (wheellock / wheel-lock)
non-interference; non-intervention
non-mandated non-governmental organization
non-directional beacon (NDB) / non directional beacon
braking by grades
braking length
braking liquid
braking malfunction
braking test
wet braking action
uneven braking action
braking system
emergency braking
Braking Strength
Maximum amount of braking applied (complementary PWM duty cycle)
Maximum Braking Strength
The amount of braking used when the motor is running
compensating idler wheel
hand wheel
leading wheel
motorcycle-type steering wheel
road wheel
steering wheel
tail-wheel lock
turbine disc / rotor /wheel
turbine wheel
wheel alignment
wheel and tire assembly
wheel and yoke assembly
wheel brake assembly