переговорний процес
hostage negotiation
hostage negotiation team
negotiation of obstacles
obstacle negotiation
obstacle negotiation capacity
negotiation ability
disarmament, demobilization and reintegration process (DDR)
fission process
Force Planning Process (FPP)
joint planning process
military decision-making process (MDMP)
military support to the peacemaking process
Office of the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for the future status process for Kosovo (UNOSEK)
Operational Planning Process (OPP)
peace process
planning process
stockpile planning process (SPP)
thermonuclear process
web enabled process
NATO Defence Planning Process (NDPP)
process fume
combat operations process
operation process
cold process of blueing
cold-working process
counterintelligence process
intelligence collection process
intelligence process
combustion process
compression process
polytrophic process