війська радіаційного, хімічного та біологічного захисту (війська РХБЗ)
NBC defense
nuclear, bacteriological, chemical (NBC) defense
civil defense troops
ground forces air defense troops
collective NBC protection
collective NBC protective equipment
deployable NBC analytical laboratory
hazardous levels of NBC contamination
NBC = nuclear, bacteriological, chemical
NBC attack
NBC environment
NBC event response team
NBC fire
NBC protection company
NBC protection system
NBC protective posture
NBC reconnaissance
NBC release other than attack (ROTA)
NBC release other than attack
NBC samples
NBC shelter
NBC situation
NBC weapons
nuclear, biological and chemical weapons (NBC)
nuclear, biological, and chemical (NBC) reconnaissance
perimeter defense (all-around defense)
beach defense mine / beach-defense mine
airborne troops
armored troops
barrier troops / blocking detachments (units) / anti-retreat forces
border (security) forces /troops
coastal troops