небезпечні рівні РХБ зараження
supply levels
CBR supply levels
transmit (Tx) and receive (Rx) (levels, protocols, etc.)
Number of power levels
This defines the number of power levels supported by your VTX
hazardous cargo
hazardous materials (HAZMAT)
medical hazardous waste management and disposal
confirmed hazardous area (CHA)
hazard area / hazardous area
hazardous situation
suspected hazardous area (SHA)
license for facilities engaged in the manufacture, storage, and use of explosives, hazardous chemicals or substances posing a fire / explosive hazard
hazardous area
hazardous chamber pressure
hazardous conditions
hazardous failure
Hazardous Materials Advisory Council
hazardous substance
hazardous weather
hazardous weather conditions
hazardous materials inspection drone
chemically hazardous substance
collective NBC protection
collective NBC protective equipment
deployable NBC analytical laboratory
NBC = nuclear, bacteriological, chemical
NBC attack
NBC defense
NBC environment
NBC event response team
NBC fire