нагнітальний трубопровід
cross-country pipeline system
cuff (pipeline)
logistical pipeline
manifold (pipeline)
mobile pipeline repair equipment (MPRE)
NATO Pipeline System (NPS)
supply pipeline
pipeline time (PLT)
gas pipeline
pipeline damage
clogging of the pipeline
collapsible pipeline
pipeline to wing slat
assault pipeline resupply
deployment line; line of deployment (LD); line of departure
observer-target line (OT line)
scheme trail line (tag line)
aerial delivery
bulk fuel delivery system (BFDS)
CBR-capable delivery systems
covert delivery
delivery error
delivery system
destruction of delivery vehicles
field artillery delivery system
fuel delivery and distribution
life-or-death delivery
Maritime Craft Air Delivery System (MCADS)
means of delivery
nuclear certified delivery unit
nuclear certified delivery vehicle