Має містити зелені, чорні та білі пікселі
Size must be X pixels
contain the enemy
contain an attack
contain а pocket
contain an enemy penetration
accelerometer must be enabled
The channels must be specified with the CLI variable 'osd_rcchannels'
UART for the receiver must be set to ‘Serial Rx’
You must update your device's webview in order to use the configurator
grass-green soldier
Green Berets
OG, O/G / olive green
green bag charge
green flag
green powder
green run
green beanie
green army (regular army as opposed to special forces etc.)
red, green, blue (RGB)
green commie tracers
RGB color model (red, green, blue)
lime green
mint green
Black Hornet
black obscurant smoke
black powder
black propaganda
black psychological operation
blackout / black out
look-out black spots
Organization of Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC)