дані про пересування
electronic data transfer / electronic data transmission ( EDT)
air movement
air movement order
air movement phase
air movement plan
Allied Deployment & Movement System (ADAMS)
Allied Movement Coordination Centre (AMCC)
combat functions (warfighting functions WFF) - Command and Control; Intelligence; Fires; Movement and Maneuver; Protection; Sustainment
cross-country movement (CCM)
deception movement
field movement techniques
flanking movement / manoeuvre
freedom of movement
fully planned movement
joint movement coordination centre (JMCC)
main movement
movement and transportation (M&T)
Movement Completion Report (MCR)
movement control
movement control centre
movement control officer
movement control team
movement directive
movement execution order (MEO)
movement flow point
movement order (mvmt O)
movement schedule
movement table
movement to contact
Movement Warning Order (MWO)
National Movement Coordination Centre (NMCC)
nuclear logistic movement