офіцер з управління перевезеннями
field officer (field-grade officer / senior officer)
combat functions (warfighting functions WFF) - Command and Control; Intelligence; Fires; Movement and Maneuver; Protection; Sustainment
movement control
movement control centre
movement control team
warfighting functions (WFF - command and control; intelligence; fires; movement and maneuver; protection; sustainment)
ground movement control
surface movement control
non-commissioned officer (NCO) / noncomissioned officer
control organization officer
flying control officer
Joint Interface Control Officer (JICO)
maintenance control officer
material control officer
naval control of shipping liaison officer
pickup-zone control officer
venereal disease control officer
load control officer
launch- control officer
security сlassification control officer
smoke control officer
target control officer
secondary control officer
control officer
air control officer
central control officer
air movement
air movement order
air movement phase
air movement plan
Allied Deployment & Movement System (ADAMS)
Allied Movement Coordination Centre (AMCC)