мобільний армійський (хірургічний) госпіталь
surgical bag
surgical material
field surgical team (FST)
advanced surgical centre
surgical drone
combat support hospital (CSH)
evacuation hospital
field hospital
general hospital
hospital ship
hospital station
hospital aircraft
clearing hospital
collecting hospital
convalescent hospital
air evacuation hospital
semimobile evacuation hospital
debarkation hospital
Army Fuels and Lubricants Working Party (ARMY F&LWP)
Queen's Regulations for the Army and the Royal Army Reserve
green army (regular army as opposed to special forces etc.)
Allied Command Europe Mobile Force (AMF)
Allied Command Europe Mobile Force
coastal defense missile system (mobile) (‘Bastion’)
foot mobile infantry
ground mobile
highly mobile
land-based mobile missile system
MLS Shield (Mobile Land Systems)
mobile air defense system