military traffic management and terminal service
командування військово-транспортної служби і обслуговування перевезень
командування військово-транспортної служби і обслуговування перевезень
military traffic management command (MTMC)
airspace and traffic management
air traffic flow management (ATFM)
air traffic management centre (ATMC)
Main Air Traffic Flow Management Centre (MATFMC)
unmanned aircraft system traffic management
unmanned traffic management (UTM)
automatic terminal information service (ATIS)
radio terminal and carrier section
Air defense and Airspace Management Directorate (NATO)
Battle Management, Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence (BMC3I)
crisis management procedures and arrangements
Infrastructure and Facilities Management
medical hazardous waste management and disposal
OSCE Best Practice Guide on National Procedures for Stockpile Management and Security
Integrated Battle Management and Situational Awareness (IBMSA)
weapons and ammunition management