Максимальна температура електронного контролера швидкості ESC
Different ESC firmware file, than in current ESC flash!
At which temperature the ESC will shut down
ESC temperature
ESC temperature maximum
Temperature reported by ESC telemetry
max Q
max side slope
Angle at max
D Max
Dynamic Damping / D Max settings
Dynamic Damping D Max
Max Cell Voltage
Max Cutoff Frequency (Hz)
Max Frequency (Hz)
Max G-Force experienced by the craft
Max Rate
Max Rate Limit
Max Vel (deg/s)
PPM Max Throttle
electric speed control (ESC)
electronic speed control (ESC)
electronic speed controller (ESC)
ESC/Motor Features
ESC/Motor protocol
Maximum Throttle (Highest ESC value when armed)
Minimum Command (ESC value when disarmed)
Sends ESC data to the FC via DShot telemetry
3D ESC/Motor Features
Dumping ESC (index)