машинне навчання для дронів
advanced distributed learning (ADL)
distance learning for service personnel
learning culture
machine-to-machine data communication
long-range strike drones
strike drones
terminal guidance software for drones
aerial reconnaissance by drones
air traffic control system for drones
battalion set of drones
CLASS I (< 150 KG) micro, mini or small drones
drones equipped with artificial intelligence
fleet of drones
pilotless drones
swarm of drones
war of drones
Line of Sight (LOS) drones
wiring (drones)
Victory Drones (VD)
drag (drones)
antiaircraft machine gun
assistant machine gunner
automatic towing machine
general purpose machine gun (GPMG)
heavy machine gun (HMG)
large caliber machine gun
light machine gun (LMG)
machine gun (MG; mg)
machine gunner
machine pistol
medium machine gun (MMG)
medium-caliber machine gun