завантаження конфігурації відеопередавача з буфера обміну
VTX Config info loaded from clipboard
Error while loading the VTX Config file
Error while saving the VTX Config file
lua VTX Config file saved
VTX Config file loaded
VTX Config file saved
VTX Config file
Copy log to clipboard
Copy to clipboard
Load from clipboard
Auto Config
CMS (config menu) is Active
Configuration (Config)
load remote config for
The Build Config and Bulid Log links to the cloud information found by the Build key
information operations (IO) (Info Ops)
GitHub Firmware Info
Build info
firmware info
Flight controller info
Release and Build info
Sensor info
Shows GPS info, if proper activated in Ports tab, Configuration Tab and GPS tab
Shows Sonar info, if proper activated in Configuration Tab
System info
video transmitter (VTX)
Current VTX channel and power
Disable the control of VTX settings
Switch the VTX into pit mode (low output power, if supported)
This defines the number of power levels supported by your VTX