перебіжчик (через лінію фронту / зіткнення)
line crosser
delimitation of frontier
demarcation of frontier
frontier zone
sea frontier forces
frontier troops
generally recognized frontier
frontier of a boundary layer
sea frontier
air frontier
deployment line; line of deployment (LD); line of departure
observer-target line (OT line)
scheme trail line (tag line)
armistice demarcation line
beyond line-of-sight (BLOS)
bulk distribution line
cease-fire line (CFL)
combat outpost line
confrontation line
contact line
contamination control line
contour line (contour)
county line
defensive belt / line
delivery line (pipeline)
demarcation line
dismount line
distant early warning line
drive line / drive (propeller) shaft
final coordination line
final protective line (FPL)