line-and-staff system of organization
система організації військ за принципом поєднання лінійних частин і штабів
система організації військ за принципом поєднання лінійних частин і штабів
joint naval and military beach organization staff
joint staff (J / JS / J-staff)
deployment line; line of deployment (LD); line of departure
organization and equipment table
Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE)
wartime table of organization and equipment (war establishment)
Western Europe Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
modified tables of organization and equipment
tentative table of organization and equipment
Table of Organization and Equipment (TO&E / TOE; T/E, T/O)
fire extinguishing system sprinkler system and fire alarm system
attitude-and-heading reference system / attitude and heading reference system (AHRS)