провідна установа ООН (виділена для координації гуманітарної допомоги)
NATO Communications and Information Agency (NCIA / NCI Agency)
cast / heave the lead
hail of lead
jacketed coated lead bullet
jump lead
lead azide
lead bullet
lead collision course
lead core
lead homing
Lead Nation (LN)
lead nation concept
lead nation logistic support
lead nitrate
lead post
lead ship / name ship / class leader
lead trinitroresorcinat
Logistics Lead Nation (LLN)
logistics lead time
long lead time items (LLTI)
lead element
angle of lead in line
angle of lead in range
fixed lead-angle guidance
intercept lead angle
interceptor lead-angle
lead angle
lead angle correction for gravity
lead angle correction for wind effects
lead angle error
lead-angle homing
lead-angle interception (intercept)