наведення з кутом випередження (за спрямленою кривою погоні)
intercept lead angle
angle of lead in line
angle of lead in range
fixed lead-angle guidance
interceptor lead-angle
lead angle
lead angle correction for gravity
lead angle correction for wind effects
lead angle error
lead-angle homing
lead-angle method of approach guidance
target motion lead angle
total lead angle
turn lead angle
lead-angle course
angle of lead
airborne interception equipment
communications interception
cross-boundary interception
endo-atmospheric interception
exo-atmospheric interception
ground controlled interception
group controlled interception
interception of bombers
maritime interception operations
bulk interception
MICA (фр. Missile d'Interception, de Combat et d'Auto-défense)
desired track interception
glide slope interception
interception of runway heading
interception controller