завдавати прихованих ударів та створювати засідки
sneak attack
wanton and brazen attacks
anthrax attacks
terrorist attacks on shipping
missile attacks planning
alternate attacks
vulnerable to air attacks
scattered attacks
barrage of air attacks
defenses against drone attacks
impervious to EW attacks
observation and fields of fire, avenues of approach, key and decisive terrain,obstacles, and cover and concealment (OAKOC)
containerized shipping, storage, and launch frame
command launch unit (CLU)
earliest anticipated launch time (EALT)
guided missile launch assembly (GMLA)
interceptor launch position
launch / lob / toss a grenade
launch a blow
launch a missile
launch a terrorist attack
launch an offensive
launch area
launch azimuth
launch beach
launch console
launch control equipment
launch control unit
launch cycle
launch environment
launch motor
launch pad