блок управління пуском
launch coolant system control unit
remote launch control unit
command launch unit (CLU)
Lightweight Command Launch Unit (LWCLU)
launch control equipment
launch control car
launch control center
launch control facility
launch- control officer
launch- control post
launch- control team
remote launch control
battery coolant unit / battery-coolant unit (BCU)
gear reduction unit / gear-reduction unit
position and navigation unit / position navigation unit (PNU)
pinch (a unit) out of a large unit
containerized shipping, storage, and launch frame
earliest anticipated launch time (EALT)
guided missile launch assembly (GMLA)
interceptor launch position
launch / lob / toss a grenade
launch a blow
launch a missile
launch a terrorist attack
launch an offensive
launch area
launch azimuth
launch beach
launch console
launch cycle
launch environment
launch motor