Joint Implementation Arrangement (JIA)
механізм спільної реалізації
механізм спільної реалізації
multinational implementation arrangement
Engineering Implementation Section
monitoring arms implementation and compliance activity
multinational implementation agreement (MIA)
peace implementation operations
features of synthesis algorithm implementation for reflected signals
Wassenaar Arrangement on Export Controls for conventional arms and dual-use goods and technologies
Allied Joint Doctrine for Joint Targeting (AJP-3.9)
Joint Information Operations Center /Joint Intelligence Operations Center (JIOC)
U-joint (universal joint / universal coupling)
Allied Joint Doctrine (AJP-01)
Allied Joint Doctrine for Air and Space Operations (AJP-3.3)
Allied Joint Doctrine for Airspace Control (AJP-3.3.5)
Allied joint doctrine for countering improvised explosive devices (C- IED) (AJP-3.15)