joint C3 and support center (JC3SC)
спільний центр командування, управління, зв’язку та забезпечення
спільний центр командування, управління, зв’язку та забезпечення
Joint Information Operations Center /Joint Intelligence Operations Center (JIOC)
Joint Center for Control and Coordination (JCCC)
joint personnel, resources, and finance center
joint search and rescue center
air support field pack, field pack air support, airborne / para (air support) / Pathfinder Bergen
US Army Community and Family Support Center
surface-to-air missile operations center / SAM operations center (SAMOC)
French Center Recherche Sur Le Renseignement / French Center for Intelligence Research (Cf2r / CF2R)
Joint Air Operations Center (JAOC)
joint all sources information center (JASIC)
Joint Artificial Intelligence Center (the) (JAIC, pronounced 'jake')
joint communications control center (JCCC)
joint force engineer center (JFEC)
Joint Technology Center / Systems Integration Lab (JSIL)
joint readiness training center - instrumentation system
joint readiness training center