прилад, що виводить на станцію (радіо) перешкод
digital radio frequency memory jamming (DRFM jamming); repeater jamming
infrared homing head (IR homing head)
jamming homing
homing on enemy radar jamming signals
Set the expected video mode of the camera (typically this can be left on AUTO, if you have difficulties then set this to match the camera output)
acoustic homing torpedo
active radar homing (ARH)
advanced active homing technique
constant-bearing guidance / homing / navigation
heat homing device
heat passive homing guidance system
homing device
homing guidance
homing guidance system
homing head
homing mine
homing missile
homing scanner
homing system
infrared homing system
lead homing
optical homing
passive homing
passive homing system
pursuit homing system
semiactive homing
semi-active homing guidance system
semiactive homing system
semi-active laser (homing) (SAL/H)
terminal homing