миттєвий рух елементарної частки рідини або газу
instantaneous vertical speed indicator / instantaneous vertical-speed indicator (IVSI)
eddy motion / eddying motion
irrotational motion of a fluid
rotational motion of a fluid
fluid motion
potential motion of fluid
steady motion of a fluid
unsteady motion of fluid
variable motion of fluid
acceleration of a fluid element
path of a fluid element
fluid element
instantaneous burst
instantaneous detonating fuse
instantaneous action fuze
instantaneous percussion fuze
instantaneous radiation
instantaneous radius of the flight path
instantaneous vertical velocity computer (IVVC)
instantaneous rate of flow
instantaneous velocity
instantaneous frequency measurement (IFM)
full-motion vehicle
motion imagery standards board (MISB)
pitch motion
pitching motion
roll motion
rolling motion
target motion lead angle
camming motion
uncushioned motion
point mass equation of motion