підривник миттєвої дії; детонуючий шнур
instantaneous vertical speed indicator / instantaneous vertical-speed indicator (IVSI)
base detonating fuse
detonating fuse
detonating fuse/ primer
point detonating fuse (PD)
auxiliary detonating fuse
confined detonating fuse
detonating fuse spot
high-energy detonating fuse
low-energy detonating fuse
twin detonating fuse
pull fuse; pull-action fuse
variable-time fuse / VT fuse (VT, also fuze)
instantaneous burst
instantaneous action fuze
instantaneous percussion fuze
instantaneous radiation
instantaneous radius of the flight path
instantaneous vertical velocity computer (IVVC)
instantaneous motion of a fluid element
instantaneous rate of flow
instantaneous velocity
instantaneous frequency measurement (IFM)
base-detonating fuze
detonating cap
detonating cord (detcord)
detonating device
detonating explosive
mine-detonating device
high-explosive point detonating nose plug
point detonating fuze (PDF)
badly detonating