формувати командний сигнал / команду; подавати команду
initiate a mission
initiate a request
initiate a track change
initiate combat
initiate pursuit
initiate an attack
Failed to initiate unprotect routine
aerospace defense command
air command
air command and control system (ACCS)
air defense command
Air Force Logistic Command
Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC)
Air Force Systems Command
air force tactical command
Air Mobility Command (AMC)
Air Mobility Command’s air assets
Air Training Command
airborne command post
Alaskan Air Command
Alaskan Command
Allied Command Europe (ACE)
Allied Command Europe Mobile Force (AMF)
Allied Command Europe Mobile Force
Allied Command Europe Rapid Reaction Corps
Allied Command Operations (ACO)
Allied Command Resource Optimization Software System (ACROSS)
Allied Command Transformation (ACT)
Allied Forces Maritime Component Command HQ
Allied Joint Force Command
Allied Maritime Component Command