об'єкт вербувальної розробки (термін спецслужб)
be targeted for recruitment
individual control (of fire) / individual fire control
forces in being
health, well-being and morale of personnel
mental and physical well-being
targeted sanctions
targeted investigation
being embarked
targeted emission reduction
well-being of troops
targeted gun
targeted killing
air force in-being
contract recruitment
professional recruitment
conscription system (of the recruitment)
candidate for recruitment
have an influence on a recruitment cultivation
give rise to a recruitment situation
ground for recruitment
recruitment contingent
recruitment cultivation
recruitment cultivation dossier
recruitment efforts
recruitment letter
Territorial Centres of Recruitment and Social Support (TCRSS / TCR & SS / TCR and SS)
advanced individual training (AIT)
inactive Reserve (Individual Ready Reserve [IRR])
individual decontamination
individual decontamination kit
individual emplacement