здоров'я, побут і моральний стан особового складу
mental and physical well-being
well-being of troops
development and maintenance of morale
morale, welfare and recreation activities
morale, welfare, and recreation (MWR)
welfare and morale type property
Morale, Welfare and Recreation (MWR)
forces in being
being embarked
individual being targeted for recruitment
air force in-being
health and welfare report
medical and health service support
destroy the morale
morale support
sagging morale
apron string morale
Army’s health care team
combat health support
health record
health service support
health services
mental health (PTSD)
Mental Health Advisory Team (MHAT) (PTSD)
mental health service
mental health status (PTSD)
military health system
US Army Health Service Command
deployment health surveillance
health surveillance