операції з нанесення окремих ударів (з подальшим відходом)
hit and run battle
hit and run tactics
hit and run mission
hit-and-run counterattack
hit-and-run strike
hit-and-run tactics
hit-and-run weapon
hit-and-run raid
engine ground run / run-up
hit-and-miss method
air burst advanced hit efficiency and destruction (AHEAD)
engine start-up and run-up
observation and fields of fire, avenues of approach, key and decisive terrain,obstacles, and cover and concealment (OAKOC)
Joint Information Operations Center /Joint Intelligence Operations Center (JIOC)
special operations forces operations (SOFOPS)
surface-to-air missile operations center / SAM operations center (SAMOC)
air-ground operations operations section
direct hit
hit / engage / strike a target
hit a blow
hit a line (by)
hit a mine
hit home
hit the air
hit-to-kill technology
hit-to-kill vehicle
square hit
target hit
target hit probability
bow-on hit