компресор високого тиску (КВТ)
compressor pressure ratio (CPR)
low pressure compressor (LPC)
anticyclone, high-pressure area
high-pressure bottle
high-pressure gas
high-pressure wave
high pressure transducer
high-pressure blank cartridge
high pressure pump
high-pressure turbine (HPT)
high-pressure test
high level pressure chart
high pressure gauge
high pressure hose
high pressure system
high pressure area
high-pressure supercharge and RAP round
air compressor
compressor bleed-air system
rotary air compressor
turbo compressor
air compressor truck
alternative compressor
clutch compressor
compressor gun
valve spring compressor
abrasive wear of compressor blades
four-stage compressor
axial flow compressor
centrifugal compressor
centrifugal compressor impeller
combination compressor