антициклон; зона підвищення тиску; зона високого тиску
anticyclone, high-pressure area
high-pressure bottle
high-pressure gas
high-pressure wave
high pressure transducer
high-pressure blank cartridge
high pressure pump
high-pressure turbine (HPT)
high-pressure test
high level pressure chart
high pressure compressor (HPC)
high pressure gauge
high pressure hose
high pressure system
high-pressure supercharge and RAP round
low pressure area
area pressure strategy
high altitude-high opening (HAHO)
high pay-off target / high-payoff target (HPT)
high-burst / high burst (HB)
high road; high-road
high-power illuminator radar / high power illuminating radar (HIPIR)
high-performance / high performance
high risk sea area
high risk area
high intensity radio transmission area (HIRTA)
area of war/war area
potential danger area (trouble area)
hazard area / hazardous area
killing area / kill area
open area danger area
actuating fluid pressure