перспективний аеро(фото)знімок (із захопленням лінії горизонту)
oblique fire; fire to the oblique
slant fire; diagonal fire; oblique fire; fire to the oblique
low oblique
oblique aerial photography
oblique photograph
mil gridded oblique
oblique shock wave
oblique aerial photograph
oblique approach chart
oblique fire
oblique launcher
oblique launching
oblique line overlap
oblique march (movement)
oblique percussion
oblique takeoff or landing
oblique target
oblique imagery
oblique imagery drone
high altitude-high opening (HAHO)
high pay-off target / high-payoff target (HPT)
high-burst / high burst (HB)
high road; high-road
high-power illuminator radar / high power illuminating radar (HIPIR)
high-performance / high performance
anticyclone, high-pressure area
blasting explosive (normal-, high-, low strength)
Estimation and Prediction of Orbits and Clocks to High Accuracy (EPOCHA)
freedom of the high seas
HEAT (high explosive anti-tank)
high aerodynamic efficiency