деталі, що мають короткий термін служби
repair parts
spare parts, tools and accessories (SPTA)
stationary parts
class IX supplies (Repair parts and components)
parts dissection information system
authorized parts list
automotive parts identification scheme
depot spare parts
extruded rubber parts
accountability of spare parts
gun spare-parts kit
defective parts
logistic-accountability technician (responsible for re-supply and accountability of spare parts)
prioritization of spare parts
spare parts / spares
spare parts and consumables
spare parts management
spare parts management system
spare parts stockage
spare parts, tools and accessories (SPTA) / specialized maintenance kit
spares / spare parts
specialized maintenance kit / spare parts, tools and accessories (SPTA)
stocks of spare parts
effect for inflowing of electromagnetic field over the visible parts of object
nonconcurrent spare parts
spare parts distribution center
parts company
parts depot
parts depot company
parts supply
chemical parts specialist