class IX supplies (Repair parts and components)
предмети постачання класу IX (запасні частини і компоненти)
предмети постачання класу IX (запасні частини і компоненти)
repair, replacement, testing and inspection (of components)
class I A supplies (air/inflight rations)
class VII G supplies (Electronics)
class VII N supplies (Special weapons)
CBR protective and decontaminating equipment and supplies
Reserve Components Coordination Council (RCCC)
automated reusable components system
combustion chamber components breakdown
assembly drawing (diagram showing how components of an object fit together) / exploded view
electric components / power consuming equipment
power consuming equipment / electric components
spare parts, tools and accessories (SPTA)
logistic-accountability technician (responsible for re-supply and accountability of spare parts)
spare parts, tools and accessories (SPTA) / specialized maintenance kit
specialized maintenance kit / spare parts, tools and accessories (SPTA)