ультразвукові хвилі
sound ranging (artillery sound ranging)
high-intensity sound
pulse repetition frequency (PRF) / pulse-repetition frequency
electromagnetic waves
kilometric waves
decametric waves
decimetric waves
ground waves
hectometric waves
long waves
metric waves
middle waves
Prandtl relation for normal shock waves
short waves
sky waves
space waves
diffraction task for electromagnetic waves
electric properties of object and propagation medium for electromagnetic waves
attack in waves
direction of waves, swells or seas
high frequency (HF)
high frequency direction finder
high frequency over-the-horizon (HF OTH) radar
high-frequency 'X-band' system
super high frequency weapon
high frequency transducer
very high-frequency omnidirectional range / omnirange (VOR)
ultra-high frequency
high frequency band
high frequency channel
high frequency communication system (HF)
high-frequency communication