небезпечний (підвищений) тиск у патроннику
pressure equalization chamber
rocket-chamber pressure
hazardous cargo
hazardous levels of NBC contamination
hazardous materials (HAZMAT)
medical hazardous waste management and disposal
confirmed hazardous area (CHA)
hazard area / hazardous area
hazardous situation
suspected hazardous area (SHA)
license for facilities engaged in the manufacture, storage, and use of explosives, hazardous chemicals or substances posing a fire / explosive hazard
hazardous area
hazardous conditions
hazardous failure
Hazardous Materials Advisory Council
hazardous substance
hazardous weather
hazardous weather conditions
hazardous materials inspection drone
chemically hazardous substance
can-annular burner / combustion chamber
cartridge chamber
chamber proportion
decompression chamber
expansion chamber
floating chamber
gas chamber
hyperbaric / decompression chamber
powder chamber
propellant storage chamber
thrust chamber
breech block pivoted below the level of the chamber