поспішно обладнана оборонна позиція
hasty defense / hasty defence
International legion for the Defence of Ukraine (ILDU) / International Legion of Territorial Defence of Ukraine / Ukrainian Foreign Legion
hasty ambush
hasty attack
hasty crossing
hasty decontamination
hasty gap crossing
hasty stream crossing
hasty abatis
hasty deployment
hasty obstacle
hasty sling
hasty breaching
hasty bridge
hasty minefield
hasty trench
attack against hasty defenses
launching position (missile position)
changeover from travelling position to fire position
position and navigation unit / position navigation unit (PNU)
in position / in-position
active missile defence
antiaircraft defence
armed defence
Defence Intelligence (DI)
harbor defence
layered defence
leakage rate (missile defence)
line of defence
passive defence
right of self-defence