Статус відеореєстратора окулярів (стосується дронів)
Goggle DVR status rendered by the goggles
VTX DVR status
VTX DVR status rendered by the goggles
digital video recorder (DVR)
remote DVR
digital video recording (DVR)
Ground Panoramic Night Vision Goggle (GPNVG)
Enhanced Night Vision Goggle-Binocular (ENVG-B)
Goggle fan speed
Goggle fan speed rendered by the goggles
Goggle link quality
Goggle system warnings
Goggle voltage
Goggle voltage rendered by the goggles
inventory status
logistical status
mental health status (PTSD)
Office of the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for the future status process for Kosovo (UNOSEK)
one-time report (on status of equipment etc.)
radiation exposure status (RES)
status of alert (state of readiness)
Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA)
status panel
training status
unit commitment status
weapon control status (WCS)
status of servicemen
caretaker status
fire support status chart
disrupt the status quo
status ready time