глобальний вплив шуму
model for assessing global exposure to the noise of transport aircraft (MAGENTA)
noise exposure forecast system
high noise exposure
noise exposure
noise exposure assessment method
noise exposure forecast
population noise exposure over time
predicting and quantifying noise exposure
significant noise exposure
Global Airport Noise Impact Assessment Model (GANIAM)
exposure standards
harmful exposure
lethal exposure
radiation exposure status (RES)
duration of exposure to radiation
CABCDE (Critical Bleeding, Airway, Breathing, Circulation, Disability, Exposure)
prolonged exposure
acute exposure
target exposure
radiation exposure
radiation exposure badge
radiation exposure category
radiation exposure report
radioactive exposure
permissible exposure
differential global-positioning system (DGPS)
differential global-positioning system surveying
Global Broadcast Service (GBS)
Global Disaster Alert and Coordination System (GDACS) (UN)
Global Information Grid (GIG)
Global Maritime Distress Safety System (GMDSS)