вибовкати таємницю (про розвідку / термін спецслужб)
give away
give away (one's) position
fly talk
push-to-talk switch
Target Talk On
capture a prisoner who will talk
talk-back microphone
talk-down landing
chalk talk
Listen Before Talk (LBT) / Listen Before Transmit
give ground
give quarter
give way
give off fumes
give assignment to KP duty / put on KP (kitchen patrol / kitchen police)
give someone a blanket party
give a full picture
give clandestine assistance
give classified intelligence
give covering fire
give elevation
give rise to a recruitment situation
give stealth capability
give way vessel
give employment to the enemy
give a squirt
give the alert
give the аlarm
give chase
away-from-home manning principle
pepper away at
backing away