діяльність (пілота) з максимальною концентрацією уваги
full motion full mission flight simulator
focus of attention
attention signal
attention to orders!
call to attention
command attention
stand at attention
attention deficit disorder
Attention! Review the list of options
ATTN (attention)
full-throttle operation
full-thrust operation
clandestine operation; covert operation
humanitarian operation; humanitarian relief operation (HUMRO)
PZ operation (pick-up zone operation)
noncombatant evacuation operation (NEO); non-combat evacuation operation
extended range full bore (ERFB)
full admiral
full alert (posture)
full command (FULLCOM)
full dress
full field pack
full load
full mess kit
full military service
Full Mission Qualified (FMQ)
full operational capability (FOC)
full pack
full speed (naut.)