літаки (з фіксованим крилом) та вертольоти
roping out of helicopters
fixed-wing aircraft
fixed wing cartesian system
fixed-wing fighter
electric fixed-wing drone
fixed-wing drone
fixed-wing VTOL UAV
wing-in-ground-effect amphibious craft; ground-effect vehicle (GEV); wing-in-ground-effect (WIG); ground-effect craft; wingship; flarecraft; ekranoplan
wing-to-body fairing / wing-body fairing
blended-wing design (blended wing/body design)
fixed and floating bridge
fixed and stationary targets
aircraft track and balance (adjusting balance of aircraft)
observation and fields of fire, avenues of approach, key and decisive terrain,obstacles, and cover and concealment (OAKOC)
rotary wing aircraft
variable-geometry wing aircraft
wing an aircraft
flapping wing aircraft
rotary-wing aircraft
all-wing aircraft
marine aircraft wing
Space System for Tracking Ships and Aircraft in Distress – Search and Rescue Satellite (COSPAS-SARSAT)
under-wing probe-and-drogue tanking pod
360° fixed radar
fixed ammunition
fixed artillery
fixed bridge
fixed facilities
fixed frame metal detector
fixed frequency channel
fixed installations