балансування ЛА
track adjusting lever
track adjusting wheel nuts
track skirt (track shield)
track while scan / track-while-scan (TWS)
observation and fields of fire, avenues of approach, key and decisive terrain,obstacles, and cover and concealment (OAKOC)
balance and trim tab
adjusting fire
adjusting link
velocity-adjusting launcher
adjusting point
auxiliary adjusting point
adjusting cam
adjusting head
adjusting idler wheel
adjusting lock nut
adjusting nut ring
adjusting nut wrench
adjusting range scale
adjusting ring
adjusting wrench
automatic adjusting device
azimuth adjusting knob
azimuth adjusting worm knob
brake shoe cam adjusting bolt
check adjusting range
clearance adjusting nut
clutch adjusting ring
idle adjusting needle
idler wheel adjusting ring
dash pot adjusting screw
differential adjusting lock
differential side adjusting tool