стрільба в точку; зосереджений вогонь
slant fire; diagonal fire; oblique fire; fire to the oblique
fire on a fixed target
fixed defensive fire
fixed fire bottle
fixed fire command
from a fixed fire position
fire on fixed line
fixed blocking fire
fire control orders (FCO) ('Hold Fire', 'Cease Fire' and 'Engage')
selector lever, fire selector, fire switch, fire selector switch
360° fixed radar
fixed ammunition
fixed and floating bridge
fixed artillery
fixed bridge
fixed facilities
fixed frame metal detector
fixed frequency channel
fixed installations
fixed post
fixed span
fixed wire entanglement
fixed-orbit satellite
fixed-wing aircraft
naval operating base (fixed or temporary)
fixed position defense
fixed price contract
stationary (fixed, steady) target
fixed lead-angle guidance
fixed focus
fixed wing cartesian system