(вести) одиночний вогонь
single shots
place well-aimed shots on target
single-seat / single seat
slant fire; diagonal fire; oblique fire; fire to the oblique
single barrage (of fire)
fire by single piece
single fire
single fire unit
single-shot fire
fire control orders (FCO) ('Hold Fire', 'Cease Fire' and 'Engage')
selector lever, fire selector, fire switch, fire selector switch
discriminating a single target
move in single/in Indian file
single combat
single concertina fence
single defense space
Single Fuel Concept (SFC)
Single Fuel Policy (SFP)
single seat aircraft
single service exercise
single shot grenade launcher
single strand fence
single-action revolver
single-channel ground and airborne radio system (SINCGARS) radio
single-engine aircraft
single-stage missile / rocket
single-strand, high-strength, spring-steel wire
single-bucket front-end loader