польова топографічна група
field surgical team (FST)
FA survey (field artillery survey)
fire support team (FIST) (FST)
forward support team (FST)
field service technician (FST)
field suitability test (FST)
full-scale tunnel (FST)
foreign service tour (FST)
survey team
zoologic survey team
CBR monitor and survey team
radiological (survey) team
canine team (K-9) (dog team)
aerobatic team / aerobatics team
field officer (field-grade officer / senior officer)
combat field pack, field pack
air support field pack, field pack air support, airborne / para (air support) / Pathfinder Bergen
combination field and field-off duty uniform
air survey
airfield-engineering and NAVAID survey
artillery survey
automated integrated survey instrument (AISI)
basic-control survey
construction survey
conventional survey
display of survey data
engineering survey
fallout survey plan
hydrographic survey
ordnance survey
plane survey
pre-deployment site survey (PDSS)