очікуваний ступінь ураження
expected failure
zero degree angle
degree of choke
zero degree elevation
360-degree manual traverse
360-degree traverse
Ad Hoc Steering Group on Weapons of Mass Destruction (NATO)
Alliance Policy Framework on Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction
arms destruction
destruction / demolition objective
destruction fire
destruction of aerial targets
destruction of ammunition
destruction of combat materiel
destruction of delivery vehicles
destruction of enemy manpower/personnel
destruction of equipment
destruction of existing stockpiles of chemical weapons
destruction of surplus munitions
destruction of weapons
destruction site
elimination of weapons of mass destruction
emergency destruction of nuclear weapons
equipment destruction control
equipment destruction inspection
HPD (Haut Pouvoir de Destruction)
invite destruction
mine destruction
mine fuse destruction
mutual assured destruction (MAD)
proliferation of weapons of mass destruction
protection against weapons of mass destruction