бракувальна шашка; надмірно велика шашка
excessive barrel wear
excessive consumption
excessive heating
excessive radiation
excessive side sway
excessive pressure
adjustable head space feature
head space
head-space gauge
tight head space adjustment
head-space adjustment
head-space adjusting screw
head-space adjusting screw locking plug
penetrating head injury / open head injury
drop head body (drop-head body)
head-to-head flyoff
infrared homing head (IR homing head)
air and space doctrine (section of military doctrine)
air/space defense missile
Allied Joint Doctrine for Air and Space Operations (AJP-3.3)
battle space
cargo space
dead space
double bottom space
machinery space
military space research
missile and space defense forces
missile and space intelligence
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
national air space
single defense space
Space Control Center