European Strategic Intelligence and Security Center
Європейський центр стратегічної розвідки та безпеки (про розвідку / термін спецслужб)
Європейський центр стратегічної розвідки та безпеки (про розвідку / термін спецслужб)
European Security and Defense Identity (ESDI)
European Security and Defense Policy (ESDP)
European security architecture
Joint Information Operations Center /Joint Intelligence Operations Center (JIOC)
French Center Recherche Sur Le Renseignement / French Center for Intelligence Research (Cf2r / CF2R)
Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)
bi-strategic command (Bi-SC) (of the two Strategic Commands )
South Eastern and Eastern European Clearinghouse for the Control of SALW (SEESAC)
strategic security environment
army intelligence and security
European Defense Community / Union (EDU)
useful idiots (European politicians failing to confront Russia)
task force on intra-European air transport policy
Federation of Air Transport User Representatives in the European Community
European Community Certification
European F-16 Training Centre (EFTC)
European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI)
European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)
European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR)
European Union’s Naval Force (EUNAVFOR)