European Defense Agency (EDA)
Європейське оборонне агентство (2004 р.)
Європейське оборонне агентство (2004 р.)
European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)
NATO Communications and Information Agency (NCIA / NCI Agency)
European Security and Defense Identity (ESDI)
European Security and Defense Policy (ESDP)
Defense Contract Management Agency
Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA)
Defense Logistics Agency (DLA)
Defense Nuclear Agency - Technical Publications
Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)
Antimissile and Space Defense Agency
European Fire Control System (EFCS)
European security architecture
South Eastern and Eastern European Clearinghouse for the Control of SALW (SEESAC)
European Strategic Intelligence and Security Center
useful idiots (European politicians failing to confront Russia)
task force on intra-European air transport policy
Federation of Air Transport User Representatives in the European Community
European Community Certification