enlargement of NATO
розширення НАТО (за статтею 10 Вашингтонського договору)
розширення НАТО (за статтею 10 Вашингтонського договору)
delegation (of NATO member state at NATO HQ)
7.62×51mm NATO (official nomenclature 7.62 NATO)
Ad Hoc Steering Group on Weapons of Mass Destruction (NATO)
Ad Hoc Working Group on Small Arms and Light Weapons and Mine Action (NATO)
Airspace Management Section (NATO IS)
Armaments Directorate (NATO IS)
Armaments Planning, Programmes and Policy Directorate (NATO IS)
Arms Control and Coordination Section (NATO IS)
Arms Control Subsection (NATO)
Capabilities Coordination Cell (NATO)
Civil Protection Committee (CPC, NATO)
Commandant of the NATO Defense College
defense and Security Directorate (NATO)
Defense Planning Committee (DPC, NATO)
Defense Policy and Capabilities Directorate (NATO)